The Office of Academic Affairs enables the success of students and faculty in teaching and learning, research, and creative expression. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive, inclusive and affordable education that prepares the next generation of leaders and engaged citizens to serve Ohio, the country and the world.
Ohio State is a comprehensive university, and our response to racial injustice and inequities is similarly wide ranging, with contributions to knowledge, understanding and action. In addition to action steps being taken across the university, Ohio State has university-wide initiatives, events and resources.
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Ohio State has adjusted a number of practices to advance our academic mission and support our students, faculty and staff despite disruptions related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Read more about how faculty and staff have risen to the challenge on the Stories of Resolve page, and find out how changes might impact your work at the Academic Decisions page.
Stories of Resolve Academic DecisionsSupporting Academics University Wide
Spring 2023 SEIs
Spring 2023 SEIs
Spring 2023 Grading Policies
Spring 2023 Grading Policies
General Education
General Education
Off Duty Pay & Additional Compensation
Off Duty Pay & Additional Compensation
Academic Misconduct
Academic Misconduct
New Faculty Orientation
New Faculty Orientation
Institutional Data
Policies & Forms
Policies & Forms
Action steps to address racism and racial i...
July 9, 2023
家用梯子个人选购和使用的粗浅心得经验 - 知乎:2021-1-25 · 现在值啥买之类“导购”网站,到处是软文"心得",也是醉了。朋友推荐来知乎。这几天正好聊起梯子,就写下家用梯子的心得。三个原则:1、针对家用,不要太专业。不能用专业角度,也不是给专业水电工用的。2、梯子…
June 18, 2023
Interim Title IX coordinator
June 17, 2023
Academic leaders outline options for autumn...
The deadline for students to request Pass/No Pass grading is April 17.
See the guidance to instructorsCOVID-19 has presented new challenges for many students while amplifying existing challenges for vulnerable populations. Additionally, as the world takes a stand on racial injustice and pushes to elevate diverse voices, there comes an opportunity to create learning environments that are more inclusive and welcoming and that honor the diverse needs and preferences of students. This 【海斯迪克HK-512】海斯迪克 HK-512 加厚红色人字梯 折叠 ...:2 天前 · 【海斯迪克HK-512】京东JD.COM提供海斯迪克HK-512正品行货,并包括海斯迪克HK-512网购指南,伍及海斯迪克HK-512图片、HK-512参数、HK-512评论、HK-512心得、HK-512技巧等信息,网购海斯迪克HK-512上京东,放心又轻松session on virmach 自购 VPS 搭建 ss、ssr 教程:2021-2-14 · 之前也写过一篇搬瓦工自建梯子的帖子:利用搬瓦工VPS自建高速丝滑VPN 但是呀。。我擦,今年 2021.02.09 日。正在春节过年期间,我的搬瓦工那个最低配的套餐到期了忘记在到期之前续费。结果到期后想再次购买时发现搬瓦工早就下架了此套餐。 will illuminate ways to thoughtfully address diversity in the classroom while also building awareness about the particular needs of students during the time of COVID-19.
Students are struggling with a number of issues, including food insecurity, access to technology and internet connection, transitions to virtual learning, loss of income, uncertainty about housing and mental health challenges. Students in these circumstances will certainly struggle in unique ways in their courses as they encounter gaps in their basic needs. This ED的版本、购买,伍及注册、登录、进入游戏的方法(PC ...:你需要的就只是VPN梯子 使用谷歌访问助手正确显示谷歌验证码的方法一则 所伍我试着用图文解释各游戏版本、购买 、注册游戏帐号,伍及登录游戏。 但是一样丑话说在前面,要进行这游戏很多事情都须要你亲自动手解决。 如果是懒惰、想要轻松解决 ...on Tuesday, August 11 from 3 - 4 PM will showcase resources and pathways for support that when integrated into courses can make a powerful difference for students.
In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of The Ohio State University Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), ODI will honor members of the Ohio State community who have contributed through exemplary and sustained leadership the ideals of diversity, equity, inclusion, and community engagement. Nominees for the Award should demonstrate outstanding achievements and contributions in the community and/or the private, non-profit, and public sector. Nominations are due 稳定付费梯子
Learn More and Nominate韩国梯子加速器
- Chief Information Officer & Distance Education and eLearning
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- Diversity and Inclusion
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- Institutional Equity
- Institutional Research and Planning
- International Affairs
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- Outreach and Engagement
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- Student Academic Success
- Student Life
- Undergraduate Education
- University Libraries
- University Senate
- Wexner Center for the Arts
- The Women's Place
Colleges and Campuses
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Max M. Fisher College of Business
- College of Dentistry
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- College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
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- Michael E. Moritz College of Law
- College of Medicine
- College of Nursing
- College of Optometry
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Public Health
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- College of Veterinary Medicine
- Columbus
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- Chief Information Officer & Distance Education and eLearning
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- Diversity and Inclusion
- Graduate School
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- Institutional Research and Planning
- International Affairs
- Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning
- Outreach and Engagement
- Research
- Student Academic Success
- Student Life
- Undergraduate Education
- University Libraries
- University Senate
- Wexner Center for the Arts
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Colleges and Campuses
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- Max M. Fisher College of Business
- College of Dentistry
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- College of Engineering
- College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
- John Glenn College of Public Affairs
- Michael E. Moritz College of Law
- College of Medicine
- 便宜稳定的梯子
- College of Optometry
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Public Health
- College of Social Work
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- Newark

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Associate Professor of @osuhistorydept @ProfJeffries penned this op-ed for Saturday's @washingtonpost criticizing former President Clinton for his comments on Stokely Carmichael at John Lewis' funeral. http://t.co/AIyUhezLHt

Our dietitians show you how to make a crispy vegetarian dish with plenty of protein for cancer patients and their families.

RT @Pelotonia: Dr. Sanjay Gupta is joining us this Friday at 7PM EST for Legends LIVE! to talk about the power of the Pelotonia community &…

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RT @OhioStateIT: Faculty- Do you need help modifying your content for online courses? Join ODEE tomorrow to learn about resources and tools…

RT @Fisher_MAcc: Effective #accountants should be well versed in #dataanalytics. Here's how the @FisherOSU MAcc program at @OhioState is he…

RT @BuckeyeHistory: On this day in 1936, Jesse Owens won his first medal at the Berlin Olympics! You can read more about Owens in our digit…

RT @ByBethBurger: The @USDOT awarded a $1.9M grant to @OSUengineering to develop technology to thwart #hackers targeting #GPS “We do not h…

Faculty- Do you need help modifying your content for online courses? Join ODEE tomorrow to learn about resources and tools to help get your exams and assignments online. Register for the webinar ⬇️ http://t.co/SIel6Vz40S #KeepTeaching

Now it’s your turn! Respond to this tweet and tell us what you want to see on our social for this year. We’ll look at your ideas and possibly incorporate them moving forward! http://t.co/S0RIScQmJi

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